Creational Design
God created Male & Female to display his image and to reflect the Relationship within the Godhead. They were created equal in status, yet different in role & responsibility. They both carried out Gods plan together, complimenting each other, yet had clearly defined roles. -Gen 1:26-31Man’s role- God created Adam to work the Ground. He was created to build, to provide, to protect and to bring about order in creation. He was created to take responsibility and given the role of leadership within the family unit. - Gen 2:15. Woman’s role- God created Woman as a Helper (Hebrew word ‘Helper’- ‘ezer’- Meaning, strength, power to rescue, save and be strong. Used 21 times throughout OT, and 16 of these times are talking about Yahweh himself). ‘Ezer’ is a word describing woman and God- Psalm 121. Equality in salvation
Grace Revealed
God’s grace was clearly & frequently at work in the Old Testament times, God described himself to Moses as “The Lord, the Lord, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness” Ex 34. The world was created by a God of grace.
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January 2025