online services
Our online services are available on our playlist below and on our Vimeo page. An archive of previous sermons from the past year is available on our blog.
key information
Mission Statement
The Church Leadership recognises the importance of its ministry to children and young people and its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people entrusted to the church’s care.
As part of its mission, the Church is committed to:
Church Policy
The Church Leadership recognises the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and vulnerable people of all ages. It also acknowledges that these people groups can be the victims of various forms of abuse, and neglect. The Church Leadership has therefore adopted the procedures set out in the Safeguarding Policy. It also recognises the need to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies. The policy and practice guidelines are based on a model published by Thirtyone:eight (formerly Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service, CCPAS). The Church Leadership undertakes to file a copy of the policy and practice guidelines with Thirtyone:eight and social services, and any amendments subsequently published. The Church Leadership agrees not to allow the document to be copied by other organisations. The Church Leadership is committed to on-going Safeguarding training for all children/youth workers and will regularly review the operational guidelines attached. The Church Leadership also undertakes to follow the principles found within the Abuse Of Trust guidance issued by the Home Office and it is therefore unacceptable for those in a position of authority or trust to engage in any behaviour which might allow a non-platonic relationship to develop for as long as the position of authority or trust continues.
Our Deputy Safeguarding Officers are Tim Quayle and Niyi Kehinde. If you have any queries regarding the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults, please chat to one of them.
Mission Statement
The Church Leadership recognises the importance of its ministry to children and young people and its responsibility to protect and safeguard the welfare of children and young people entrusted to the church’s care.
As part of its mission, the Church is committed to:
- Valuing, listening to and respecting children and young people as well as promoting their welfare and protection.
- Safe recruitment, supervision and training for all the children’s/youth workers within the church.
- Adopting a procedure for dealing with concerns about possible abuse. Encouraging and supporting parents/carers.
- Supporting those affected by abuse in the church and dealing appropriately with abusers.
- Maintaining good links with the statutory childcare authorities and other organisations.
Church Policy
The Church Leadership recognises the need to provide a safe and caring environment for children, young people and vulnerable people of all ages. It also acknowledges that these people groups can be the victims of various forms of abuse, and neglect. The Church Leadership has therefore adopted the procedures set out in the Safeguarding Policy. It also recognises the need to build constructive links with statutory and voluntary agencies. The policy and practice guidelines are based on a model published by Thirtyone:eight (formerly Churches’ Child Protection Advisory Service, CCPAS). The Church Leadership undertakes to file a copy of the policy and practice guidelines with Thirtyone:eight and social services, and any amendments subsequently published. The Church Leadership agrees not to allow the document to be copied by other organisations. The Church Leadership is committed to on-going Safeguarding training for all children/youth workers and will regularly review the operational guidelines attached. The Church Leadership also undertakes to follow the principles found within the Abuse Of Trust guidance issued by the Home Office and it is therefore unacceptable for those in a position of authority or trust to engage in any behaviour which might allow a non-platonic relationship to develop for as long as the position of authority or trust continues.
Our Deputy Safeguarding Officers are Tim Quayle and Niyi Kehinde. If you have any queries regarding the safeguarding of children or vulnerable adults, please chat to one of them.
Giving in Revive City Church Carlisle
GIVING AT REVIVE CITY CHURCH CARLISLE (formerly King's Church Carlisle)
As disciples of Jesus we recognise He always spoke to the heart and exposed the emptiness of external religion. Paul expressed this clearly when writing to the Corinthian Church: “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Cheerfulness in giving comes out of seeing our heavenly Father as the source of all our provision. Our giving is both a responsibility and a means of blessing others. Alongside our responsibilities to our family we have responsibility to the support the life and work of our church family. At Revive City Church Carlisle we do not believe that as Christians the giving of one tenth of our income is obligatory – rather the way we listen to his Spirit and give from a generous heart is the delight of our Father.
Standing Order
Many people find it convenient and helpful to give by Standing Order direct from their bank account into the Church’s bank account. It is very straight forward to set up a Standing Order with your Bank, if you wish to do this – simply give your Bank the following details and the amount you wish to give. NB: This option has the lowest overhead expense.
Account Name: Revive City Church
Account Number: 00098913
Bank Name: CAF Bank
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Online Giving
You may setup online giving via the NowDonate website. NB: This has an overhead expense of 1.6% on each gift.
As disciples of Jesus we recognise He always spoke to the heart and exposed the emptiness of external religion. Paul expressed this clearly when writing to the Corinthian Church: “Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each man should give what he has decided in his heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” (2 Corinthians 9:6-7)
Cheerfulness in giving comes out of seeing our heavenly Father as the source of all our provision. Our giving is both a responsibility and a means of blessing others. Alongside our responsibilities to our family we have responsibility to the support the life and work of our church family. At Revive City Church Carlisle we do not believe that as Christians the giving of one tenth of our income is obligatory – rather the way we listen to his Spirit and give from a generous heart is the delight of our Father.
Standing Order
Many people find it convenient and helpful to give by Standing Order direct from their bank account into the Church’s bank account. It is very straight forward to set up a Standing Order with your Bank, if you wish to do this – simply give your Bank the following details and the amount you wish to give. NB: This option has the lowest overhead expense.
Account Name: Revive City Church
Account Number: 00098913
Bank Name: CAF Bank
Sort Code: 40-52-40
Online Giving
You may setup online giving via the NowDonate website. NB: This has an overhead expense of 1.6% on each gift.
Gift Aid
If you are a UK Tax Payer please consider completing a gift aid form. You only have to fill in a form once and the Church Office does the rest. There is no extra cost to you and the Government supports Revive City Church Carlisle to the tune of 25 pence in the pound given, which is a significant way in which you can further bless the work of God. The forms are on the table at back of the hall on a Sunday, or click here for a copy you can print out, fill in and put in the offering basket. Your partnership in the family and mission of Revive City Church Carlisle is highly valued.
If you are a UK Tax Payer please consider completing a gift aid form. You only have to fill in a form once and the Church Office does the rest. There is no extra cost to you and the Government supports Revive City Church Carlisle to the tune of 25 pence in the pound given, which is a significant way in which you can further bless the work of God. The forms are on the table at back of the hall on a Sunday, or click here for a copy you can print out, fill in and put in the offering basket. Your partnership in the family and mission of Revive City Church Carlisle is highly valued.