sunday morningsOur Sunday mornings follow these key themes - celebrating Jesus, enjoying time together, hearing from God and exploring the bible. Our meetings start with songs of praise and thanks to Jesus, in an informal and relaxed setting. We love celebrating Jesus through music and creativity, and learning about life from the Bible. Our main aim is to encounter God and learn how to follow Jesus better. We also take an offering as part of our worship (more info on our give page). During the meeting, we enjoy expressing our love to God – often individuals will pray or sing out loud, raise their hands, or share what they feel God is saying.
small groupsWe meet for sharing, prayer, encouragement, teaching and fun in different people’s homes. We have a variety of small groups for different ages who meet in various locations. Please contact any of the small group leaders or Tim, our lead elder, for more information on small groups.
DayTime Small group
DAYTIME SMALL GROUP We meet on Thursdays mornings for coffee and chat, then group time. evening small group
EVENING SMALL GROUP We meet on Wednesday evenings. |
On Sundays, our 4s to 11s meet for games, fun, worship, object lessons, Bible stories and much more.
Our goal is to provide an environment of fun and instruction which communicates the value and importance that Revive City Church places on children of all ages. Above all we want the kids to have fun and to experience that church is a great thing to be a part of! |
alphaThe Alpha course has been of benefit to millions of people worldwide. Alpha is a multi-week course that creates a space where people come and discuss life’s big questions. Take a look at their website to see why!
If you are interested in knowing more about the Revive City Church Carlisle Alpha Course, please contact us. |
practising his presenceWe are hungry for God's presence. Our Vision, as a Church, is to grow together as a place where God's presence is welcomed, pursued, enjoyed and given away. We want to prioritise the Holy Spirit amongst us, by creating more space for Him to move & change lives.
So... every 2 months we gather on a Wednesday evening, to do exactly this - to practise His presence, (and to collectively learn, how we can host, follow and love the Holy Spirit), through worship, prayer & lots of joy. Check out our What's On page for the next Practising His Presence night, as well as dates when we get together regionally with other churches to worship. |
We welcome all students and integrate them into the various ministries of the church where they can be challenged to use their spiritual gifts. We encourage them to join our small groups and get involved in the life of the church. If you are starting uni this year, we would love to hear from you!
youthAt Revive City, we encourage our young people to be actively involved with church life on Sunday mornings and in mid-week meetings such as small groups and prayer meetings. We are excited to see God using and growing our youth in the life of the church. There may be times when a young person may wish to talk through things raised during the sessions in more detail, or just want a familiar face to share where with and look to for support, guidance and encouragement. In line with the church’s safeguarding policy, during a Sunday morning, where possible, the leaders can make time for this.
We are also keen to support our young people in their walk with God – this can be in sessions on a Sunday morning, as part of our ChristCentral family festival Devoted and at events such as Newday. Newday is a youth festival run by newfrontiers and is a fantastic opportunity to enjoy time together and experience God! |
Jubilee+ Partner ChurchJubilee+ is an organisation that equips churches to change the lives of those in poverty in their communities, based on the belief that poverty and justice are vital concerns to Jesus – as demonstrated through His life, where He poured out His time, energy, attention and concern predominantly towards the oppressed, vulnerable and marginalised. Jubilee+ believes that local churches and individual Christians should be mercy-bringers in their communities, especially to those who are trapped in poverty or by injustice. When churches play their part in alleviating the poverty and injustice around them, entire neighbourhoods and communities can be strengthened so that our society as a whole is healthier. As a partner church, we support Jubilee+ to change the lives of those in poverty across the UK.